Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Do You Need An App For Your Business?

Small businesses often feel the pinch when they start looking closely at their marketing budgets. It is quite a different kettle of fish for larger companies: they seem to have almost unlimited resources in order to expand, and to reach new markets. But for the smaller companies that are still owned by individuals, trying to make their mark in their own niche, there are often very difficult decisions to be made as to how the small amount of money that is put aside should be used. For example, one of the biggest questions that is facing small businesses at the moment is whether or not they should develop an app for their business.

For many people, this is a no brainer. In this twenty first century world of technology and consumerism, it makes absolute sense to create an app for your business. It is another point of contact and therefore point of sale, and enables people to browse your products and services wherever they are, regardless of country or time zone. Hundreds of thousands of consumers use their smart phones or tablets in order to access apps, and many would argue that by ignoring this market, you are single handedly shooting yourself in the foot.

However, on the other hand, it can take a lot of time, money, and effort to develop a really good app. Many companies simply do not have the resources to invest in this sort of avenue. Furthermore, a study that was carried out by L2 Think Tank discovered that although many people  spend a lot of time on apps on their smart phones, the majority of them are actually playing games, viewing Facebook, and watching videos on YouTubes. Very few people are actually using the apps created by businesses. The study itself ends with the opinion that businesses would actually gain many more customers by ensuring that their website is perfectly created to appear on tablets and smart phones, rather than create an app.

Of course, at the end of the day this decision depends greatly on what your company offers. If your intended market is young people, then having an app may bring you that step closer to your potential consumers. If, however, your intended market are of a much older generation, then it is probably not worth your time creating an app for your business.

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