Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Business Website Example: DK Che Restaurant

Few things bring people together like food. At D'kache Fruteria, we get this. That is why we spend countless hours in the kitchen, creating tasty, savory dishes that you have come to love - from sandwiches, to tostilocos,fruit salads and so much more. Come Visit us!

Visit website at: http://www.dkchefruteria.com

Website Design by: www.Freewebzite.com

Monday, July 28, 2014

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

Too often we hear the biggest complaint that a company just doesn't care about me. That business just treats me like a number. I'm just a way to make money for them.

 The awkward thing is that all of those statements are kind of true. A company isn't there to care for you; it's there to make a profit. The business will probably only ever see you as a number because for the vast majority of employees, they will never ever meet you. And yes: companies do intend to make money from people.

On the other hand, that certainly does not mean that you, as a company, can stop caring about what your customers think of you. In fact, it is even more important than ever, because the best way to differentiate yourself from the competition is to give your loyal customers that little bit extra. That will not only keep them loyal, but also transform them into your brand's biggest advocates.
So what can you do to show your customers your appreciation for sticking with you? We have a couple of ideas for you that you should try out:

1. Offer them something for free.

Admittedly this may not help your profit margins initially, but you would be amazed just how loyal a customer can become when they realize that you are willing to give them something for free. Free always puts a smile on someone's face, and that is the way you want them to feel whenever they think of you.

2. Pick a day in the year to be 'your' day.

This will highly depend on your industry, but whatever day you pick, choose a promotion for that celebration. If you're a florist, you could offer free flowers to mothers outside your shop on Mothers Day; if you are a garden center, you could offer free demonstrations on BBQs just before July 4th. Whatever works for you, highlight it for your customers, and make it into a big event.

3. Say 'thank you'.

Sometimes it really is that simple! If you are grateful for your customers returning to you time and time again, then tell them. You could even start a 'thank you' campaign. If you link it with social media, then you could get people buzzing on social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter about  how much you love your customers.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Business Website Example: Lorena's Banquets & Catering

We are changing industry and the way events are done in the Orange /Riverside County area. With over fifteen years of experience we understand our customer priorities and needs. We no doubt our team will  make your day unforgettable for you and your guests.

Check their Lovely website at: http://weddingcentersbylorena.com

Website Design by: www.Freewebzite.com

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Secrets to Make PPC Advertising Work for You

Secrets to Make PPC Advertising Work for You

Many people that are trying to encourage new people to visit their website are using PPC advertising, or pay-per-click. This basically means that you design an advert that is put up throughout the internet, but you are charged not by how many people see it ñ which let's be honest, could easily number into the hundreds of thousands ñ but by how many people click on it. This means that you only have to pick up the bill for those that actually make it to your website, which seems like a much better deal. However, there are some secrets to pay-per-click advertising that not everyone knows, and if you can master them, then you can truly take advantage of the system. Pay-per-click advertising should be a part of your marketing goals and outlook, and if it isn't, then that needs to change.

Here are the three pay-per-click secrets that you should harness:

1. Know your target customer.
This doesn't necessarily always mean the customer that you currently have especially if you want to broaden your market ñ but it often does. You need to know what keywords they will be looking for, and which parts of the internet they hang out in. After all, it would be a complete waste of time for you to go to all of this effort and then no one click on your ad.

2. Make sure you design a landing page.
Once someone clicks on your pay-per-click advert...what happens? Where are they going to go? If you have not thought about this, then you are just going to disappoint the people that click on your advert. The best websites create a special landing page purposefully for the people that have visited for the first time through your pay-per-click advert, introducing yourself, and directing them to your best products and services.

3. Include a call to action.
A call to action is basically a challenge to your viewer. It asks them: what are you going to do about this advert, now that you've seen it and naturally, the best response that you could have is that they click on it. You want to entice and encourage your viewers to do this, so make it abundantly clear what they need to do, ie. click.

Now you know how to make pay-per-click advertising to work for you.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Business Website Example: P & F Complete Auto Repair

No job is too small or too difficult for the experts at our family-owned auto repair shop in Ontario, California. P & F Complete Auto Repair specializes in general maintenance and repair services, including tune-ups, oil changes, transmission work, and AC repairs. We work on foreign and domestic cars, trucks, SUVs, and semitrucks. We are also repair experts for European auto and diesel engines. In addition to our services, we can get you the parts you need at low costs.

See Website at: http://pandfcompleteautorepair.com/index.html

Website Designed by: www.Freewebzite.com 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How E-Commerce Can Increase Your B2B Sales

How E-Commerce Can Increase Your B2B Sales

B2B companies have always been a little reticent about putting their wares or services online, because they believed that the internet was still not quite at the level that they required for their complicated business needs. However, e-commerce has altered so much over the last few years that it is now perfectly possible for any sort of transaction to take place online, helping B2B companies to reach entirely new markets all around the world without having to stir an inch.

Of course, there are many benefits to expanding your business into e-commerce. It lowers the number of people that are required to take orders, and can increase your sales exponentially. The size of those sales could also mean that your overhead costs, and cost per unit could be lowered, increasing your profit margins. In fact, a study of one hundred American companies that are become involved with B2B e-commerce since 2007 found that almost all of them have noticed an improvement in their customer retention rate, and 90% of them were able to attract new customers through this new medium.

There really are no downsides to expanding your business into the area of e-commerce, and it is really simple to do. Here are three things to bear in mind as you make this transition:

1. Make goals, and keep them realistic.
Although it is almost certain that your revenue will increase, you should not expect to see unreasonable gains in a short amount of time. If you create goals that are completely unattainable, you will merely worry other members of your company, and make it look as though e-commerce is not a sustainable route. With each month, take a stock of where you have come, and make a new goal.

2. Involve the entire team in the change.
This new area of commerce can be strange for those that have become used to the old ways, but the only way that you can guarantee success is by bringing the entire team into the way that you are altering things. That way, everyone can contribute, and support the changes as they go through.

3. Never be afraid to ask for help.
Sometimes, you will require the aid of an outside source in order to fully commit to the change to e-commerce. There are many people and consultants with experience and skills that you would find useful, so do not feel as though asking for someone else's input is going to be detrimental: it is always beneficial.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Reasons Customers Come Back

Reasons Customers Come Back

A company's absolute dream is to have customers that try them out, love the products or the services, and come back. Loyalty cannot be underestimated within the world of business, but many companies find it difficult to tie their customers to them. This can be disastrous, as studies have demonstrated that businesses that have 40% of their income from repeat customers are actually earning around 50% more than their competitors. Can you really justify not investing a little time and effort in not encouraging people to come back to you? We didn't think so. To help you on your way, here are three reasons why customers come back:

1. They feel valued.
No one is going to return to a shop, whether 'real' or online, where they do not feel valued. When you really make the effort through expert communication, and through careful follow-up after a purchase, a customer is much more likely to feel valued. When we feel valued in one space ie when shopping from you we want to repeat that experience, and continue the feeling of value. That is how you get repeat customers.

2. They trust the product.
Yes, some shoppers will go out on a limb and try something completely different, but nine times out of ten, they will always purchase a product that they trust. Whether that it because they know that it will do exactly what it says that it will do, or because the price is truly competitive, the product ñ or service ñ will sell, and sell to the same people. No one wants to be caught out by a scamming seller, so once a person knows that they are onto a good thing, they will rarely leave it.

3. They've received the personal touch.
Sometimes, it is the little things that really convinces someone to ignore all of your competitors, and simply stay with you. Perhaps it is a bit of help that you gave a customer that was a little confused about something. Maybe it was the free gift that you gave them, just for trying you out. It could even be that you went out of your way to try and do something for them that wasn't included in the price ñ and you didn't charge them extra. Whatever it was, it means that they have received the personal touch, and that changes you from a faceless brand to a shop where they feel like they receive five star treatment. Everyone loves the personal touch, and that is a great reason why customers come back.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Business Website Example: La Herradura Restaurant

Everything offered here at La Herradura is fresh homemade family tradition style. All is prepared instantly and takes some time to cook exquisite Mexican dish, but the wait is worth it...

Visit their website at: http://www.laherradurane.com/

Website design by Freewebzite.com

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Do You Need An App For Your Business?

Small businesses often feel the pinch when they start looking closely at their marketing budgets. It is quite a different kettle of fish for larger companies: they seem to have almost unlimited resources in order to expand, and to reach new markets. But for the smaller companies that are still owned by individuals, trying to make their mark in their own niche, there are often very difficult decisions to be made as to how the small amount of money that is put aside should be used. For example, one of the biggest questions that is facing small businesses at the moment is whether or not they should develop an app for their business.

For many people, this is a no brainer. In this twenty first century world of technology and consumerism, it makes absolute sense to create an app for your business. It is another point of contact and therefore point of sale, and enables people to browse your products and services wherever they are, regardless of country or time zone. Hundreds of thousands of consumers use their smart phones or tablets in order to access apps, and many would argue that by ignoring this market, you are single handedly shooting yourself in the foot.

However, on the other hand, it can take a lot of time, money, and effort to develop a really good app. Many companies simply do not have the resources to invest in this sort of avenue. Furthermore, a study that was carried out by L2 Think Tank discovered that although many people  spend a lot of time on apps on their smart phones, the majority of them are actually playing games, viewing Facebook, and watching videos on YouTubes. Very few people are actually using the apps created by businesses. The study itself ends with the opinion that businesses would actually gain many more customers by ensuring that their website is perfectly created to appear on tablets and smart phones, rather than create an app.

Of course, at the end of the day this decision depends greatly on what your company offers. If your intended market is young people, then having an app may bring you that step closer to your potential consumers. If, however, your intended market are of a much older generation, then it is probably not worth your time creating an app for your business.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Business Website Example: Casa Tires & Sound

We have been in business since 2009. Here at Casa Tires & Sound you will always find the best customer assistance by our experts. Offering everyday all the accessories you need for your car at the best prices. So come and visit us we are located at 903 Edgebrook Dr, Houston, TX 77034

Check out their website at: http://casatiresandsound.com/

Website Designed by: www.Freewebzite.com