Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Secrets to Make PPC Advertising Work for You

Secrets to Make PPC Advertising Work for You

Many people that are trying to encourage new people to visit their website are using PPC advertising, or pay-per-click. This basically means that you design an advert that is put up throughout the internet, but you are charged not by how many people see it ñ which let's be honest, could easily number into the hundreds of thousands ñ but by how many people click on it. This means that you only have to pick up the bill for those that actually make it to your website, which seems like a much better deal. However, there are some secrets to pay-per-click advertising that not everyone knows, and if you can master them, then you can truly take advantage of the system. Pay-per-click advertising should be a part of your marketing goals and outlook, and if it isn't, then that needs to change.

Here are the three pay-per-click secrets that you should harness:

1. Know your target customer.
This doesn't necessarily always mean the customer that you currently have especially if you want to broaden your market ñ but it often does. You need to know what keywords they will be looking for, and which parts of the internet they hang out in. After all, it would be a complete waste of time for you to go to all of this effort and then no one click on your ad.

2. Make sure you design a landing page.
Once someone clicks on your pay-per-click advert...what happens? Where are they going to go? If you have not thought about this, then you are just going to disappoint the people that click on your advert. The best websites create a special landing page purposefully for the people that have visited for the first time through your pay-per-click advert, introducing yourself, and directing them to your best products and services.

3. Include a call to action.
A call to action is basically a challenge to your viewer. It asks them: what are you going to do about this advert, now that you've seen it and naturally, the best response that you could have is that they click on it. You want to entice and encourage your viewers to do this, so make it abundantly clear what they need to do, ie. click.

Now you know how to make pay-per-click advertising to work for you.

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