Monday, July 28, 2014

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

Too often we hear the biggest complaint that a company just doesn't care about me. That business just treats me like a number. I'm just a way to make money for them.

 The awkward thing is that all of those statements are kind of true. A company isn't there to care for you; it's there to make a profit. The business will probably only ever see you as a number because for the vast majority of employees, they will never ever meet you. And yes: companies do intend to make money from people.

On the other hand, that certainly does not mean that you, as a company, can stop caring about what your customers think of you. In fact, it is even more important than ever, because the best way to differentiate yourself from the competition is to give your loyal customers that little bit extra. That will not only keep them loyal, but also transform them into your brand's biggest advocates.
So what can you do to show your customers your appreciation for sticking with you? We have a couple of ideas for you that you should try out:

1. Offer them something for free.

Admittedly this may not help your profit margins initially, but you would be amazed just how loyal a customer can become when they realize that you are willing to give them something for free. Free always puts a smile on someone's face, and that is the way you want them to feel whenever they think of you.

2. Pick a day in the year to be 'your' day.

This will highly depend on your industry, but whatever day you pick, choose a promotion for that celebration. If you're a florist, you could offer free flowers to mothers outside your shop on Mothers Day; if you are a garden center, you could offer free demonstrations on BBQs just before July 4th. Whatever works for you, highlight it for your customers, and make it into a big event.

3. Say 'thank you'.

Sometimes it really is that simple! If you are grateful for your customers returning to you time and time again, then tell them. You could even start a 'thank you' campaign. If you link it with social media, then you could get people buzzing on social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter about  how much you love your customers.

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