Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Business Website Example: Pieloon Restaurant

Pieloon Restaurant

Pieloon Restaurant offers delicious dishes made with fresh ingredients that will enchant you and make you come for more!

Website Designed by: http://www.freewebzite.com/

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Business Website Example: Diego's Taqueria

Diego's Taqueria serves deliciously fresh and responsibly sourced street-style tacos in a spot you won't want to leave!

Website designed by: http://www.freewebzite.com

Monday, October 13, 2014

What Do Consumers Want To See On Your Facebook Page?

What Do Consumers Want To See On Your Facebook Page?

When you are a small company, every single decision that you make can prove to have a huge impact. That is why you need to be really sure that each part of your marketing campaign is really pulling its weight, encouraging new customers, and bringing in profits. However, countless studies have shown that many businesses simply do not know what to do with their Facebook page – and this is critical. After all, according to a study by MarketingProfs, around two thirds of people consider the social media website Facebook to be a good way of finding out something about a company – and that means that if your Facebook page is not selling you, then you are definitely losing customers.
 This means that you are going to have to learn pretty quickly what potential customers and consumers are looking for when they glance over your Facebook page. What do consumers want to see on your Facebook page? Here is the lowdown:
 1.     Only around 40% are in any way interested in your reviews that you have given other companies. That does not mean that you should delete all of the great reviews that you have written, but do not put too much focus on them.
2.     Less than 20% want to hear more about your products. This means that bombarding them about the latest product that you are going to release is not going to win you any hearts.
3.     Instead, focus more on your own reviews. You should be actively encouraging your current customers to go to your Facebook page and tell you just how much they love your goods or services, so that your potential customers can see that.
4.     But the best way to engage with new customers and consumers on Facebook is apparently to offer them something. Everyone is always on the hunt for a discount or a good deal, and if you can tempt people in through one of those, it is likely that they believe a customer for life.
 Of course, some companies will benefit from being on Facebook more than others. Restaurants are great because people can 'locate' themselves there on Facebook, and post images of their meal. But whatever sector you are in, being on Facebook and having an engaging Facebook page will only help your profits and your marketing aims

Monday, September 29, 2014

When should you hire expert help to handle your online marketing?

When should you hire expert help to handle your online marketing?

When you run your own small business, it can be very often by like trying to keep a million plates spinning above your head: you are trying to keep your profits up by encouraging sales, keep your employees happy, and bring in new customers. But sometimes you just have to admit that you cannot simply do absolutely everything, especially when it comes to online marketing. It is a huge internet out there, and creating blogs, keeping up with social media, ensuring SEO continues, and that your online reputation is good – that is more work than one single person can carry!

The trouble is that none of these jobs are difficult, but when they pile up on top of each other, one after another, they can easily busy someone. When you have other concerns, then online marketing can easily be put to one side, and all of a sudden you haven't done anything in that area for a month.  But without online marketing, you will struggle to bring in new clients which means that eventually your profits will start to suffer.

If you are going to attempt to keep your online marketing skills in house, and done by yourself, then you will need to learn to prioritise. Your company website should be your first concern, because that is often your first point of contact with your customers. It needs to be up to date, and easy to use. Bad navigation will mean that few people will bother to try to find the information that they are looking for. You should also pick one or two social media sites that you are going to concentrate on, so that you do not spread yourself too thinly.

However, if you feel as though this would be too much for you, then this may be the time to think a little bit outside the box. You would happily use an accountant to help you organise your taxes, so why on earth should you attempt to keep your online media presence supported? There are plenty of experts in online social media marketing that will be able to ensure that your company receives the attention that it deserves, and that will mean that you will earn much more money in the long run. The real question now is to decide which sort of online marketing service you are going to invest in.

Online Marketing Services: http://www.freewebzite.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Business Website Example: The Law Office of Kerry P O'Brien

The Law Office of Kerry P O'Brien

Our practice focuses on complex commercial business transactions and litigation, state and federal administrative law, estate and trust planning and administration, and state and federal tax planning and disputes. We represent clients in major business matters regionally, nationally, and internationally. The needs of business are our primary concern.

Website Designed by: http://www.freewebzite.com

Friday, September 12, 2014

Business Website Example: Medrano & Associates Private Investigations

Medrano & Associates Private Investigations

Welcome to our website, we are a trusted source for investigation solutions based in San Diego, CA. It does not matter what problem you have, we can help you. 
We specialize in Infidelity, missing persons and Fraud cases. We are licensed and bonded. 
CA PI#28112
We have years of experience in the art of investigations and surveillance.

Website Designed by: http://www.freewebzite.com

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Get customers to write reviews of your business

Get customers to write reviews of your business

There is no better way for you to advertise your business than to have your customers doing it for you! Their opinions on whether you are doing a good job or not will automatically tell you if there is anything that you need to change your way of doing things. When potential customers are thinking about whether they are willing to trust you or not, they are probably not going to listen to your own opinion on how good your products or services are; they will look to other previous customers of yours, to see what they think. In fact, in a study that has just been released, we have discovered that almost ninety percent of American internet users will always read online reviews before they make any sort of buying decision.

That is a huge number of people, and you cannot afford to ostracise yourself to the vast majority of consumers by not having any good reviews for your company online – or even worse, by having bad reviews of your company online. Many people trust online reviews because they do not think that they have any sort of agenda, like companies themselves do. However, despite all of this attention on online reviews, fewer and fewer people are actually bothering to write them. This means that all of those people who are looking for positive reviews will not find them – and they may assume that because there aren't any, that's because your company is not very good.

That is why it is so vitally important that you encourage your happy and satisfied customers to leave you good online reviews. Many never bother to do it because they thank you over the phone or in an email, but it would make all the difference to your profit margins if they could put it actually online. If you would like more customers to leave you positive reviews and comments about their experience with your company, then all you have to do is ask! By putting at the end of order emails a link to where they could put a review, half of the work for your customers is already done, which will definitely encourage them to do it. You could also tweet about this, so that your Twitter followers know how easy and great it is to leave you a positive review.

More info at:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall Promotions Ideas for Your Small Business

Fall Promotions Ideas for Your Small Business

As the owner of a small business, it will often come down to you to decide exactly how you are going to market your products or services. It can often be very difficult and stressful to think of a new and exciting angle for your business almost every single month, which is why season promotions are an excellent tool to use. The symbols and connotations of the season will do half of the work for you, and it also means that your customers will automatically understand everything that you say to them. 

However, one key aspect of seasonal marketing is that you are constantly having to plan for the season ahead. That means that right now, you should be concentrating on seasonal promotions that center around Fall. There are tones of different promotions that you can use in order to entice your current and totally new customers into your business. For example, you could use a coupon code, or a new way of advertising your products or services. The best way to do this is to link it into the Fall that is coming, and there are many great and easy ways to do this. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Back to school.
Almost absolutely everyone will have a child or a young adult family member going back to school, or college, or university. This means that a 'Back to school' theme is an excellent way to grab people's attention, and remind them that there are many things that they will need for the upcoming academic year. 

  1. Halloween.
Trick or treating is such fun, both for children, teenagers, and adults, and this means that you will have a wide demographic that is interested in Halloween items. You can easily use this for your favor by linking many of your products to this time of year.

  1. Thanksgiving.
Who doesn't love Thanksgiving? It is a great chance to connect with family, and to remember all of the good times with the people that we care about. Tapping into the emotions of people will enable you to maximize your profits. 

Some people will consider this to be manipulation of people's emotions, and at its very core, it is. But that is what marketing is, and there is no reason not to engage with it in order to make your small business successful.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Business Website Example: Pretty in Pink Hair Salon

Pretty in Pink Hair Salon

It has always been our desire to provide  services in the most comforting, restful atmosphere possible. When people take time out for themselves they don't want to be surrounded by chaos. They want peace. Calm. To know that no other thing is more important than them at that moment. They can pick up the fast-paced life later, but for now, tranquility.

Website Design by: http://www.freewebzite.com/

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Letting your employees represent your business on social media

Letting your employees represent your business on social media can be a good way to create an authentic social media presence

Social media is an absolutely amazing tool for businesses to really expand their marketing horizons, meet new potential customers and other companies that you can network with, and increase brand awareness through clever tricks on websites such as Twitter and Instagram. However, within a small business with a limited budget of both time and money, it can be difficult to really grasp hold of all of the potential that social media has to offer. However, there is a solution, although it is considered by many to be quite risky: let your employees represent your business.

Of course, we've all heard the horror stories of employees making bad and reckless decisions when it comes to social media – and when they are meant to be representing your company, the negative fallout can be catastrophic. On the other hand, allowing real people to showcase your brand, and really engage with your customers on a human level can be so much more effective than getting an outside company to do it, or doing everything through the official company accounts. 

If you believe that your employees could really use social media to benefit the company, then you will need to set out some guidelines for them to really ensure that you never have to panic when you turn the news on each morning. Here are some tips:

1. Establish a company goal.
This could be to reach a certain number of followers on Twitter, or to have a Facebook page clicked on by a set number of people. It doesn't really matter what the goal is, as long as you set it, and share with your employees what it is. Then they can all understand where it is that they want to go.

1. Ensure they know the rules.
Providing a quick day of social media training will make sure that nobody actually likes something that you definitely do not want to be associated with.

1. Engage with relevant information.
Each week, collate some interesting facts about your company and some products that you want to promote – that way your employees with always have something to say, and you can keep your messages streamlined and on-brand.

1. Encourage them throughout.
Your employees could quickly lose focus if they are not encouraged. You could perhaps pick a small prize for the person that converts the most sales, or gets the most retweets. It doesn't have to be big, just something that recognizes their achievement.

Friday, August 15, 2014

When Should You Expect To See Your Website On Google?

When Should You Expect To See Your Website On Google?

Creating your own website can be a really challenging and exciting time. After all, this is the moment when you, or your business, will finally be part of the biggest technological advancement for humanity in hundreds of years. You put the final touches to your design, you read through for editing errors one last time, and then: it is live.

That is usually when you will go to a search engine (Google, Yahoo, or Bing usually) and immediately type in some of your keywords. You hit enter. You stare in disbelief as you realise that your website isn't the first hit. It's not on the first page. In fact, no matter how far you look, you can't even see your website there at all. So what has gone wrong?

Sadly, absolutely nothing. It is simplistic to expect that all search engines will automatically consider your website to be important and useful, and place it high up in their rankings. It will actually take some time to appear in search results. Some report the process to take around three days, whilst others have had to wait around an entire month! However, there are some things that you can do in order to ensure that your website gets there sooner rather than later:

  1. Submit your website url to the search engines.
Rather than wait around for Google, Yahoo, and Bing to find you, do all of the hard work for them, and give them your website to have a look at. They will send a computer program called a search engine spider to have a look at your website, and that means that it can take your website into account when people perform searches.

  1. Create links to your website.
If you imagine the internet to be like a map, and your website like a town, the more roads that there are to your town, the easier it is for tourists to come and visit. If you create a huge number of backlinks – which are links that go to your website, placed on other websites – then search engines will start to take notice. 

  1. Make sure that you are not keyword stuffing.

This is a key SEO mistake that many people make. They assume that if they can get the maximum number of key words on a page, then search engines will love them – but this is called keyword stuffing, and is frowned upon by search engines. Having great quality content will make it more likely that search engines will be impressed with your website, and rank it higher.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Business Website Example: Ray's Auto Paint Supply

Rays Auto Paint Supply has been providing quality automotive paints and auto body supplies at reasonable prices since 1979. Quality products and great customer service have allowed us to maintain our customers happy...

Visit Website at: http://raysautopaintsupply.com

Website Design by: www.Freewebzite.com

Monday, August 11, 2014

Creating a Success Mindset

Creating a Success Mindset

You have probably noticed that it is typically the most confident and sure of themselves people that seem to get the big clients, the big projects, and the early promotion. Although many people consider it to be a 'chicken and the egg' problem, there are actually many things that you can do to ensure that you create a success mindset for yourself. Once you start to believe that you are going to be successful, the chances are that you will automatically by better at work, quicker to complete tasks, and produce a higher quality of work.

Sound too good to be true? Thankfully, it is not. The power of our minds cannot be underestimated, and if you learn to harness yours properly then there is absolutely no limit on what you can achieve. Here are our three top tips on how to create a success mindset for yourself:

1. Learn the difference between confidence and ego.
Many people are nervous about seeming too confident because they don't want their co-workers to think that they have a big ego. However, there is a big difference between the two. Self-esteem is when you truly know the talents and skills that you have; on the other hand, arrogance means that you believe yourself automatically already knowing everything. We all have something to learn, but that doesn't mean that you know nothing. If you can train yourself to dwell within your confidence, other people will recognise this, and therefore recognise your skills and experience.

2. Mistakes happen: move on.
One of the most crippling problems within most people is that they become so frightened of making a mistake that they end up not doing anything at all. Doing nothing is already a failure, because you had no chance at all to succeed! Of course, there will be times during your professional and personal ñ life when you regret decisions you made, but if you can learn from those decisions that the consequences, then you will only grow in knowledge. That means that you can be more confident the next time you are faced with a similar problem.

3. Commit to integrity.
Some people succeed through means less than savoury, but a truly successful person does not need to. They already know their own value, and know that they can rise through their own initiative. Committing to integrity will mean that others will respect you, and you can continue on with your success mindset.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

How Businesses of All Sizes Use Instagram

How Businesses of All Sizes Use Instagram

Companies have been attempting to use social media to their advantage for years, ever since the invention of websites such as Twitter and Facebook. But there is one form of social media that many businesses find more difficult to use, and that is Instagram. That is a problem for many reasons: partly because vast numbers of people around the world use and love Instagram, making it a great way for companies to reach new customers, and partly because by not using it, that company immediately marks themselves out as a company that does not understand social media.

At the end of the day, using Instagram cleverly is an excellent way to introduce your products, your branding, and your mind set to a wide range of new people. The main problem that many businesses have with Instagram is that they are not entirely sure what they could even put on a company Instagram account! After all, you can't put anything controversial on because the world's media will immediately latch onto it; you can't put anything in one language otherwise you discount a huge number of people; and you want to make your Instagram photographs relevant to your company without turning people off for being advertising.

So here are some ideas for what you and your business could be posting on Instagram to really catch the eye of your next potential customer:

1. Something surprising.
It could be that amazing sunset you saw outside the office yesterday, or the way that Starbucks spelled your name. Whatever it is, it should make you smile, and therefore make your Instagram followers smile.

2. Something unexpected.
Perhaps you passed a celebrity in the street, and managed to get a photograph with them. Perhaps a bird managed to find its way into the office! Perhaps you went on a business trip, and saw the most gorgeous cafe in Rome. Whatever it is, it should make people do a double take, and look much closely.

3. Something detailed.
Photographs that include a lot of detail make sure that the viewer inspects it carefully. There are therefore much more likely to look at the other photographs on your account, and then move over to your website. Whatever it is, make sure you use plenty of hash tags to describe your photograph.

4. Something unique to you.
Whatever it is that makes your company completely unique, try to capture that in a photograph. You could even make it a competition for your colleagues, and release one every Monday morning!


Monday, August 4, 2014

Business Website Example: Paula's Spa & Thai Massage

At Paula's Spa, we offer Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, and Couple Massage in San Diego, California. We will customize your massage to fit your body's needs. We offer a beautiful and serene environment for you to relax in! Our staff is friendly and the rates are affordable. Call us today to set up an appointment .

See Website at: http://paulasspa.com/

Website Designed by: www.Freewebzite.com

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Business Website Example: DK Che Restaurant

Few things bring people together like food. At D'kache Fruteria, we get this. That is why we spend countless hours in the kitchen, creating tasty, savory dishes that you have come to love - from sandwiches, to tostilocos,fruit salads and so much more. Come Visit us!

Visit website at: http://www.dkchefruteria.com

Website Design by: www.Freewebzite.com

Monday, July 28, 2014

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

How to Show Your Customer Appreciation

Too often we hear the biggest complaint that a company just doesn't care about me. That business just treats me like a number. I'm just a way to make money for them.

 The awkward thing is that all of those statements are kind of true. A company isn't there to care for you; it's there to make a profit. The business will probably only ever see you as a number because for the vast majority of employees, they will never ever meet you. And yes: companies do intend to make money from people.

On the other hand, that certainly does not mean that you, as a company, can stop caring about what your customers think of you. In fact, it is even more important than ever, because the best way to differentiate yourself from the competition is to give your loyal customers that little bit extra. That will not only keep them loyal, but also transform them into your brand's biggest advocates.
So what can you do to show your customers your appreciation for sticking with you? We have a couple of ideas for you that you should try out:

1. Offer them something for free.

Admittedly this may not help your profit margins initially, but you would be amazed just how loyal a customer can become when they realize that you are willing to give them something for free. Free always puts a smile on someone's face, and that is the way you want them to feel whenever they think of you.

2. Pick a day in the year to be 'your' day.

This will highly depend on your industry, but whatever day you pick, choose a promotion for that celebration. If you're a florist, you could offer free flowers to mothers outside your shop on Mothers Day; if you are a garden center, you could offer free demonstrations on BBQs just before July 4th. Whatever works for you, highlight it for your customers, and make it into a big event.

3. Say 'thank you'.

Sometimes it really is that simple! If you are grateful for your customers returning to you time and time again, then tell them. You could even start a 'thank you' campaign. If you link it with social media, then you could get people buzzing on social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter about  how much you love your customers.