Thursday, June 26, 2014

How are Restaurant Owners Using Digital Marketing?

There are some industries that just seem to continue on as they are, completely independent on the internet revolution. One of these was hospitality and restaurants: we say 'was' not 'is', because all that is starting to change. People are now realizing that there are very few limits on the ways that they can use the resource of digital marketing, and restaurant owners are now starting to learn to take charge of their own online destinies.

Of all the different online and digital marketing techniques that are available to business owners, social media has proved to be one of the most dominant, and most successful. After all, areas such as Pinterest and Twitter seem to be absolutely full of photographs of people's meals. However, it can be difficult to exactly understand how restaurant owners are using social media, and other digital marketing outlays, in order to better increase their profits. That is why Hospitality Technology created a survey for this particular niche, in order to better understand exactly what online realms they were delving into.

The results were surprising. Social media, always seen as a giant in the internet world, has almost totally revolutionized the way that restaurant owners see themselves online. Around 89% of the people that replied to the study stated that they have used social media as a way to increase customer numbers, which means that there are very few people now not using social media.

However, social media is just the start of the myriad of ways that restaurant owners are using digital marketing. Around one third of restaurants are offering daily deals in an attempt to entice people in, probably with the hope that once a customer has had a good experience, they will then post that onto social media, greatly increasing the numbers of people reaching with one simple click. Almost half 47% of respondents are now using loyalty programs, and around a quarter of them are now linking this to social media.

It is clear from these results that whatever different and unique angle that restaurant owners attempt to use with regards to digital marketing, it almost always seems to return to social media as a way to get their name and their food out there to new people. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are paving the way to change the way that we eat.

Online Marketing for Restaurants:

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